WA teased me with its glorious sunshine as my Monkey and I braved the sites of Perth, dancing through shopping malls and the Fremantle markets and doing all of my most favourite things. When I came home from seeing my parents and sister in Busselton my Monkey had filled the fridge with all of my favourite foods in an attempt to keep me station... and there were times when I looked at the Coco Pops, Caramel Crowns and Ice Cream and thought... maybe London isn't all that.

I was not excited in the way I thought I should be, more focused on ensuring everything was done and that I wouldnt have any issues getting from a) to b). It was marred with a sadness that struck through my heart, knowing that the people I loved would not be coming with me, and would not be experiencing this adventue with me.
At the same time the excitement of doing it alone, a feat for a one-time country girl, was hidden in the ack of my mind and when I hit Singapore the reality finally struck me. I was off! And I was alone and I was more capable than I first thought.
I had waved my parents and sister goodbye at the airport. My sisters sad face brought tears to my eyes but I look forward to having her in Europe soon. My Monkey had left a little before and still as I jumped on the plane I thought that I was only going away for a while, that I could still walk around the corner and he would be there...

There are a couple of people I am taking with me on this trip though, people who I wish were here for different reasons.
My Monkey ofcourse. Life is never as funny or beautiful as when he is in it and I would gamble the world to have him walking with me through every new experience.
My sister. When we are together age descends into abandon and we are off dancing in the

And my brother, but for a different reason. My brother, I think, would benefit so much from this. A world away from a town on the coast of Australia. His eyes would spin in his head at the ease in moving from gallery to gallery, seeing Dali and Picaso originals.
At the moment I am spending my days trying to scratch the surface of London which is harder than one may think. Each place I visit I tell myself that I must go back, there are streets that I've missed, more galleries and museums to attend, parks to wander around in. And strangely every evening I am desperately tired by about 6pm...
So this is my blog of my adventure, hope that you enjoy. Keeping in mind that all of this seemed like an impossibility to me only two years ago. To many people travelling is nothing, going from a Western country to another western country is not a feat, nor an adventure... but to me it is the beginning of a new chapter that will hopefully never end.
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